In a nutshell gamergate was a joke. It was a recation to progessives infiltraing the gaming community. More and more of them were being hired at gaming publications and they started over and over questioning the lack of feminism in video games. Like nobody gives a shit, so why bother?
Zoe Quinn, lets face it was a mess so was her game. It wasn’t considered an actual game to real gamers. But the gaming press just jumped all over this, she was given more press than any plain little text only silly little game deserved or would have received in the real world without a feminist industry pushing them.
Basically the press was assigning qualities to people simply because you play a game that THEY don’t think is worth. Not enough women, not enough people of color etc..etc.. To make matters worse Zoe has sleeping with members of the gaming press, gee wonder why she got so much coverage for her lame little game.
This was considered one of the first times that the progressives received pushback and they were driven out of the gaming community. At the end of the day all the gamers care about is IF the game is entertaining and fun, people will play it. If it does or doesn’t have enough women or minorities. No gamer is going to NOT play a great game because it has TOO many women, they just don’t care, they are not politically motivated at all.
Too bad the rest of the world can’t learn a lesson from the gamer community and push back and take back their space from the looney left progressives.