Sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh, trying to pretend it didn’t happen just doesn’t work. Imagine that something as simple to determine like I don’t know say someone being a Nazi slipped by your crack team of support staff and reasearchers. Imagine how much “other” simple things are slipping by the entire Canadian laughing stock known as the Liberal party.
Sadly there are still some 30ish percent of people that support them. Who are those people, do their brains function at all?
I totally get those that see the CPC party as the Liberal Light party, not saying I fully agree but I do see why people believe it and they can make a compelling case. But how anyone with a functioning brain can express support for anything the Liberals and their dorky leader do really needs a deep investigation. Maybe something is in the water??
Have a look at how the BBC sees things here
Or maybe the FOX news take here
This has to be very near the top of the things I never thought I’d see happen list, the crazy continues.
I guess Covid will be back sooner than expected after this mess hahaha