Elegant Themes

How the site works

Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy your time here and make it a regular stop on your surfing schedule. You might be wondering what this site is all about and this page aims to give you the low down.

Basically we are a group of people tired of all the misinformation and outright lies that are in the media these days. ALL of the media sadly, our TV show, movies, music, news channels even have become over run with social justice warrior indoctrination info. We have had enough.

Consider us like a Twitter/Facebook clone without the cute cat videos and censorship. Accounts will always be free to create, you must be logged into your account to post or comment on other posts. You can post reviews, videos, really anything that is on your mind. If you have something you don’t think fits into any current category please reach out and we’ll look into adding a new one.

You can react to a post with any of the emojis you see. You can up-vote or down-vote any post and just by viewing it you will add to it’s overall views which is one of they ways we determine what’s HOT and/or Trending.

The more you comment, the more you vote, the move you view you will gain “badges” that will be displayed on your account. Something we hope you’ll display with pride that you are fighting against the SJW insanity out there everywhere these days.

That is a basic overview, more info and a more detailed FAQ section will be up shortly.

Thanks again,

Woke Watch Admin

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