It truly doesn’t get more “woke” than this. This poor child suffered and still does I assume with some serious mental health issues. At 2 years old this poor child asked her mother when a fairy was going to change him from a boy to a girl. Now 14 and 9 years deep into this horrible abuse by her family, doctors and the media his “transition” continues to be shown on TV.
Think about it, how many 2 or 4 year old kids for that matter, have any clue of the long term issues with going on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones? It’s up to the family the parents the adults in the room to stop this and get this poor child “real” help. Not set him down a course of life long medial issues and medication.
I won’t get into all the medical issues, but Google it and see the issues this poor boy is having trying to get a fake “vagina” made.
This is the pinnacle of wokeness and child abuse and it’s compounded by it being on TV week in and week out. I wish him nothing but the best in life, but when the lights fade and the cameras are gone it’s not going to end well, that I’m sure of.